

Fc- IL-1Ra InVivoKine™ - NEW IL-1β Inhibitor for In Vivo Studies

InVivoKines™, developed and manufactured by AdipoGen Life Sciences is a new generation of recombinant fusion proteins containing a KIH-Fc domain. InVivoKines™ have high activity and long half-life for immunotherapeutic, preclinical and translational in vivo research.

We have developed a new recombinant mouse IL-1Ra protein with a silent mutated Fc, Fc (LALA-PG)-KIH (human):IL-1Ra (mouse) (monomeric) (rec.), which binds to the receptor IL-1R1 and inhibits binding of IL-1β to its receptor.

This is a unique and important new InVivoKine™ to advance the Inflammasomes Research Field.

Product Details
Synonyms Fc (LALA-PG)-KIH:Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (mouse); IL-1Ra; Interleukin-1R Antagonist
Product Type Protein
Source/Host HEK 293 cells. Produced using animal component-free medium.

The extracellular domain of mouse IL-1Ra (aa 27-178) is fused to the C-terminus of the Fc (LALA-PG) Knob region of human IgG1. Fc (LALA-PG) Knobs:IL-1Ra (mouse) and Fc (LALA-PG) Holes form the Fc (LALA-PG)-KIH (human):IL-1Ra (mouse) (rec.) using the Knobs-into-Holes technology (see reference: J.B. Ridgway, et al.; Protein Eng. 9, 617 (1996)).

Crossreactivity Mouse

Binds to mouse IL-1R1. Fc (LALA-PG)-KIH (human) does not bind to FcRs.

Biological Activity

It inhibits the binding of IL-1α and IL-1β to the receptor IL-1R. The Fc contains the mutations LALA-PG that abolish the interaction between the Fc and FcγRs and therefore Fc undesirable effects.

MW ~50kDa and 30 kDa (SDS-PAGE)
Purity ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Endotoxin Content <0.005 EU/μg purified protein (LAL test).
Concentration 1mg/ml after reconstitution.
Reconstitution Reconstitute with 50μl endotoxin-free water.
Accession Number PP25085
Formulation Lyophilized. Contains PBS
Protein Negative Control

Fc (LALA-PG)-KIH (human) IgG1 Control (rec.) (Prod. No. AG-35B-0018)

Other Product Data

NCBI reference P25085: IL-1Ra (mouse)

Shipping and Handling
Shipping BLUE ICE
Short Term Storage +4°C
Long Term Storage -20°C
Handling Advice After reconstitution, prepare aliquots and store at -20°C.
Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.
Centrifuge lyophilized vial before opening and reconstitution.
PBS containing at least 0.1% BSA should be used for further dilutions.
Use/Stability Stable for at least 6 months after receipt when stored at -20°C.
Working aliquots are stable for up to 3 months when stored at -20°C.
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Product Specification Sheet
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